ImageMagick and GD are 2 of the most widely used graphic software libraries on the market. They make the dynamic creation and editing of images and graphs on a website possible, so they should be set up on a server if you host your websites on it and you prefer to have something different than static images with fixed dimensions. If ImageMagick and GD are present, you shall be able to edit any image in many different ways - generate thumbnails, change the colors, flip it, blur it, and so forth. Naturally, these modifications are feasible if the script app that you employ on your internet site permits you to carry out such things. The two libraries could be used with a lot of web development languages - PHP, Python, Perl, etc., and support over 100 commonly used image formats which you will be able to work with - PNG, PSD, JPEG, TIFF, GIF and many more.
ImageMagick and GD Library in Cloud Hosting
Our custom cloud server platform will provide the right software setting for all your sites whatever the content that you want to have. Galleries and all other kinds of sites which use images and graphs are not an exception since ImageMagick and GD Library are accessible with all of the cloud plans that we supply. Your account will be set up on the cloud hosting platform and regardless of which PHP version you want to use (4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2), both the libraries will always be enabled by default, not on demand. If the script application which you use offers such functions, you could use images from the admin area, while your site visitors shall be able to do that using the front end of your website.
ImageMagick and GD Library in Semi-dedicated Servers
You will be able to run any kind of script application which requires GD Library or ImageMagick to make charts or work with images, since both are set up and enabled as standard on the cloud web hosting platform where all semi-dedicated server accounts are created. In case you get new PHP version for your account, you won't need to do anything in order to re-enable these libraries because they will be accessible all the time. Thus, you have a number of alternatives in respect to what attributes both you and your website visitors will be able to use, no matter if you write the website code yourself, you use one of our pre-installed script applications or you download and set up some app which you've found online. You can use all the widespread formats for the photos which you upload.